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- Home
- About
- 24 year-old male Identified
- Accident During RCMP Attempted Traffic Stop Leads to Investigation
- Accusations portées contre un agent de la GRC
- Actions of Police Appropriate in Portapique Standoff
- Additional Charges Laid Against Former RCMP Officer
- Allegation of Improper Arrest made against Annapolis Royal Police
- Allegation of Sexual Assault against Annapolis Royal Officer Unfounded
- Allegations of Domestic Assault and Uttering Threats Made Against RCMP Member
- Annual Report 2014-2015
- Arrest of Male in Colchester County by RCMP Lawful
- Arrest of Man in Lunenburg County by RCMP to be investigated by SiRT
- Arrest outside of Westville Pub Investigated
- Assault Charge Laid against HRP Officer
- Assault charges laid against CBRP officer
- Breach of Probation Charge Laid Against HRP Officer
- Bridgewater Police Cleared in Foot Chase of Suspect
- Bridgewater Police Officer Charged with Fraud
- CBRP Not to Blame for Traffic Stop Injury
- CBRP Obstruction Investigation leads to No Charges
- CBRP Officer Acted Reasonably in Coxheath Pursuit
- CBRP Officer’s Action Appropriate regarding North Sydney Crash
- CBRPS Member Committed No Offence in Domestic Complaint
- CBRPS Officer Involved in Traffic Accident Leading to Death of Man
- Call for witnesses to the Investigation surrounding an injury sustained during an arrest by Cape Breton Regional Police
- Charge Laid Against New Glasgow Police Service Member
- Charge Laid Against RCMP Officer Involved in Collision
- Charges Laid Against Cape Breton Regional Police Officer
- Charges Laid Against HRP Officer
- Charges Laid Against Halifax Regional Police Officer
- Charges Laid Against RCMP Officer
- Charges Laid regarding Domestic Violence Allegations Against Cole Harbour RCMP member
- Charges laid against Bridgewater Police Chief
- Charges laid against HRP officer
- Chief Medical Examiner and SiRT release reports re Clayton Miller
- Cole Harbour RCMP Officer Charged for Traffic Accident
- Complaint of Deleted Cell Phone Video Investigated
- Complaint of HRP Deletion of Video leads to No Charges
- Complaint of Phone Video Deletion Leads to SiRT Investigation
- Coxheath Pursuit by CBRP Investigated
- Crash of ATV and Motorbike in West Pubnico leads to Investigation
- Crash on Lingan Rd. Investigated
- Criminal Negligence Charge Laid in HRP Cell Death
- Death of Male on Hwy. #125 In Sydney Investigated
- Deleted Cell Phone Video Investigation Leads to Investigation of Excessive Force
- Des accusations de voies de fait graves portées contre un policier de la GRC à la suite d’une enquête de la SiRT
- Des accusations de vol et d’abus de confiance par un fonctionnaire public portées contre un agent de la GRC à la suite d’une enquête de la SiRT
- Domestic Assault Allegation Made Against RCMP Member – Southwest Nova District
- Domestic Assault Allegation Made Against RCMP – New Minas Member
- Domestic Assault Allegation Made Against RCMP-Bridgewater Member
- Domestic Assault Charge Laid Against RCMP Member
- Domestic Assault Charges Laid Against Cape Breton Regional Police Officer
- Domestic Assault Charges Laid Against Cape Breton Regional Police Officer
- Domestic Assault Charges laid against HRP officer
- Domestic Violence Allegations Made Against HRP Officer
- Domestic assault allegation made against Cape Breton Regional Police member
- Enquête de la Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) d’un incident pendant l’arrestation
- Enquête de la Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) sur la Distribution d’images Intimes
- Enquête de la SiRT dans la Première Nation d’Elsipogtog
- Enquête de la SiRT sur une blessure grave
- Enquête sur un décès menée par la SiRT
- Fin de l’enquête de la SiRT sur les blessures qu’un homme a subies dans un véhicule de la GRC
- Four Charges Laid Against HRP Officer
- Fractured Ankle during RCMP – Port Hawkesbury Arrest Investigated
- Further Charges Laid Against Halifax Regional Police Officer
- HRP Crash at Willow Tree Intersection Under Investigation
- HRP Officer Acted Appropriately in Pursuit
- HRP Officer Actions Appropriate in McCully St. Crash
- HRP Officer Charged for Traffic Accident under MVA
- HRP Officers Cleared in Death of Dartmouth Man
- HRP Officers Cleared in Struggle with Man
- HRP Officers acted appropriately in arrest of woman
- HRP Officers’ Actions Justified in Case Where Man Fell From Balcony
- Halifax Officer Used Lawful Force During Struggle With Woman at Hospital
- Halifax Police Officer Charged with Theft.
- Halifax Regional Police Officer Arrested on Allegations of Sexual Assault
- Halifax Regional Police Officer Charged with Sexual Assault
- Halifax Regional Police Officer Investigated for Assault
- Halifax Regional Police Officer Under Investigation for Alleged Sexual Assault
- Halifax Regional Police Officer not to Blame for Motorcycle Crash
- Halifax Regional Police Officers Cleared in Allegation of Excessive Force
- Halifax Regional Police Officers Not Responsible for Collision
- Herring Cove Motor Vehicle Accident Investigated by SiRT
- Independent Investigations Office of BC (IIOBC) To Investigate Historical Matter in Nova Scotia
- Injuries during RCMP – Halifax District Arrest Investigated
- Injury Suffered After Cape Breton Regional Police Foot Chase Investigated
- Injury Suffered by Arrested Male at Enfield RCMP Leads to Investigation
- Injury Suffered by Passenger in CBRPS Traffic Stop Investigated
- Insufficient Evidence in RCMP Domestic Assault Allegation
- Investigates Death Following Motor Vehicle Collision
- Investigation Begins Regarding Man Who Died From Fall
- Investigation Begins into Allegations Against Cape Breton Regional Police Member
- Investigation Begins into Allegations of Domestic Assault Against RCMP Member
- Investigation Begins into Allegations of Domestic Assault Committed by RCMP Member
- Investigation Begins into Allegations of Domestic Violence Against Cole Harbour RCMP Member
- Investigation Begins into Arrest of Attempted Murder Suspect
- Investigation Begins into Arrest of Woman by Cape Breton Police
- Investigation Begins into Assault Allegation
- Investigation Begins into Colchester County Accident
- Investigation Begins into Death of Dartmouth Man
- Investigation Begins into Death of Truro Man
- Investigation Begins into Enfield Death
- Investigation Begins into Fatal Car Crash
- Investigation Begins into HRP Arrest of Suspect in August Theft Case
- Investigation Begins into HRP Cell Matter
- Investigation Begins into HRP Pursuit
- Investigation Begins into HRP Pursuit
- Investigation Begins into HRP Shooting
- Investigation Begins into HRP Shooting
- Investigation Begins into Injury at HRP Prisoner Care Facility
- Investigation Begins into Motorcycle Accident Involving CBRPS Officer
- Investigation Begins into RCMP Attempted Traffic Stop
- Investigation Begins into RCMP Shooting
- Investigation Begins into RCMP Shooting
- Investigation Begins into RCMP Shooting
- Investigation Begins into RCMP – Liverpool Pursuit
- Investigation Begins into Shooting Involving a Member of the RCMP
- Investigation Begins into Single-Vehicle Crash in North-Kentville
- Investigation Begins into members of New Glasgow Police Service and RCMP – Pictou County
- Investigation Commenced Regarding Arrest of Male in Pleasantville, Lunenburg Co.
- Investigation Commenced into Attempted Stop of Impaired Driver
- Investigation Commenced into Injuries During HRP Arrest
- Investigation Commences Regarding Deceased Male in Sydney Mines
- Investigation Commences into Circumstances of Barrington Street Shooting
- Investigation Commences into Domestic Violence Allegation Against HRP Officer
- Investigation Commences into Injury Suffered by Male Pursued on Foot by Bridgewater Police
- Investigation Concludes No Charges to be Laid Against HRP Officers
- Investigation Concludes No Charges to be Laid Against HRP Officers
- Investigation Finds No Grounds for Charges in Amherst Pursuit
- Investigation Opened into Attempted Traffic Stop of Motorcycle By HRP
- Investigation Opened into Injury Suffered by Robbery Suspect in New Glasgow
- Investigation Opened into Injury to Woman During Arrest Attempt
- Investigation Opened into Motor Vehicle Crash on Agricola St.
- Investigation Opened into North Sydney Motor Vehicle Crash
- Investigation Process
- Investigation Results in Charge Against Cape Breton Regional Police Officer
- Investigation Results in Charge Against HRP Officer
- Investigation Results in Charge Against Off-Duty Bridgewater Police Officer
- Investigation Results in Charge Against RCMP Member
- Investigation Results in Charge Against RCMP Member
- Investigation Results in Charges Against Off-Duty Halifax Regional Police Officer
- Investigation Results in Charges Against RCMP Member
- Investigation Results in Charges Against RCMP Member
- Investigation Results in Charges Against RCMP Member
- Investigation Results in Charges Against RCMP Member
- Investigation Results in Referral to Discipline
- Investigation Results in a Charge Against RCMP Member
- Investigation begins into Complaint Against RCMP Officer
- Investigation begins into Complaint against Halifax Regional Police Officer
- Investigation begins into RCMP arrest in Lower Sackville.
- Investigation begins into arrest by Colchester District RCMP
- Investigation begins into circumstances surrounding an injury sustained during an arrest by Cape Breton Regional Police
- Investigation begins into report of Domestic Assault by RCMP Officer
- Investigation begins regarding man who died from fall
- Investigation commenced into Amherst Police Pursuit
- Investigation commences regarding Domestic Violence allegations made against CBRP officer
- Investigation completed regarding arrest of youth in Sydney
- Investigation into Allegation of Excessive Force by HRP Officer
- Investigation into April 16 Arrest Discontinued
- Investigation into Attempted Stop of Motorcycle by HRP Commenced
- Investigation into HRP Disturbance Call
- Investigation into HRP Officers Begins
- Investigation into October, 2014 Arrest of 16-year-old Male by CBRPS
- Investigation opened into HRP contact with male
- Investigation opened regarding HRP Arrest
- Investigation opens into Death in HRP cells
- Kentville Police Cleared in Arrest of a Person Wanted on Warrants
- King’s RCMP Pursuit Leads to Investigation
- La SiRT Enquête sur des blessures Graves
- La SiRT conclut l’enquête menée au Nouveau-Brunswick sur des blessures subies lors d’une arrestation
- La SiRT conclut l’enquête sur les blessures
- La SiRT conclut son enquête sur des coups de feu tirés par la police
- La SiRT conclut son enquête sur des coups de feu tirés par un agent de police.
- La SiRT conclut son enquête sur un décès
- La SiRT conclut son enquête sur un décès survenu dans une cellule du Service de police de Saint John
- La SiRT conclut son enquête sur une collision mettant en cause le Service de police de Saint John
- La SiRT conclut une enquête menée au Nouveau-Brunswick sur l’usage excessif de force lors d’une arrestation
- La SiRT conclut une enquête menée au Nouveau-Brunswick sur une collision avec un véhicule de la GRC
- La SiRT conclut une enquête sur une blessure grave subie lors d’une arrestation
- La SiRT dépose des accusations de publication non consensuelle d’images intimes contre un agent de la GRC
- La SiRT dépose des accusations de voyeurisme contre une personne anciennement membre de la Force policière d’Edmundston
- La SiRT enquête sur des blessures graves
- La SiRT enquête sur des blessures graves
- La SiRT enquête sur des blessures subies par un homme dans un véhicule de la GRC
- La SiRT met fin à son enquête sur un cas de blessures graves au Nouveau-Brunswick
- L’équipe d’intervention en cas d’incident grave (SiRT) enquête une collision impliquant le Service de police de Saint John
- Man Injured During Arrest by HRP in Downtown Halifax
- Man found in Critical Condition in HRP Cells
- Meet the Interim Director:
- Musquodoboit Harbour RCMP Officer Cleared in Arrest of Man
- New Glasgow Police Officer Cleared in Sexual Assault Allegation
- No Charges Against Amherst Police Officer
- No Charges Against Bridgewater Police Officers
- No Charges Against Cape Breton Police Officer in Assault Complaint
- No Charges Against HRP Officer - Death Ruled a Suicide
- No Charges Against HRP Officer
- No Charges Against HRP Officer Involved Shooting
- No Charges Against HRP Officer Involved in Walmart Incident
- No Charges Against HRP Officer in Breach of Trust Complaint
- No Charges Against HRP Officer in Sexual Assault Complaint
- No Charges Against HRP Officers
- No Charges Against HRP Officers Involved in Arrest of Man Breaching Court Conditions
- No Charges Against Halifax Regional Police Officer Involved in Fatal Shooting
- No Charges Against Halifax Regional Police Officers
- No Charges Against Halifax Regional Police Officers
- No Charges Against New Glasgow Officer Involved in Shooting
- No Charges Against Officer Involved in Collision
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in Domestic Dispute
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in Domestic Dispute
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in Fatal Shooting
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in Shooting
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in Shooting
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in SiRT Investigation
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in SiRT Investigation
- No Charges Against RCMP Officer Relating to Arrest of Windsor Man
- No Charges Against RCMP Officers Involved in Fatal Shooting
- No Charges Against RCMP Officers Relating to Arrest of Hillsburn Man
- No Charges Against RCMP Officers Relating to Arrest of Lower Sackville Man
- No Charges Against RCMP Officers Relating to Fatal Shooting of Colchester Man
- No Charges Against RCMP Officers Relating to Shooting of Colchester Man
- No Charges Against RCMP Officers in Arrest of Lower Sackville Youth
- No Charges Justified From Cape Breton Police Arrest
- No Charges Justified in Arrest of Man in Lunenburg County by RCMP
- No Charges Justified in Case of Injuries Caused by Dog Bite
- No Charges Justified in Injury to Male at Enfield RCMP Detachment
- No Charges Justified in Pictou Landing Arrest by RCMP
- No Charges Laid in Liverpool RCMP Cell Death
- No Charges Regarding Allegation of HRP Video Deletion
- No Charges Regarding Man Found Unconscious in HRP Cell
- No Charges Supported by Investigation into Arrest of Attempted Murder Suspect
- No Charges Warranted Against Cape Breton Police Officer
- No Charges Warranted in Ingonish RCMP Arrest of Woman
- No Charges Warranted in Two Pursuit Cases
- No Charges in Allegation of Excessive Force by HRP Officer
- No Charges in Arrest of Woman by Cape Breton Police
- No Charges in Assault Allegation Involving Cape Breton Police Officer
- No Charges in Assault Allegation Involving Cape Breton Police Officer
- No Charges in CBRP Arrest that led to Broken Rib
- No Charges in Case of Injuries Caused by Dog Bite
- No Charges in Case of Injuries by Dog Bite
- No Charges in Death of Male
- No Charges in Death of Man at Stellarton Villa
- No Charges in Discharge of Firearm by Halifax Regional Police Officer
- No Charges in Discharge of Firearms by RCMP Officers at Onslow Fire Hall
- No Charges in Fall from Balcony
- No Charges in HRP Arrest of Man on Magazine Hill
- No Charges in HRP Officerís use of CEW in March Arrest
- No Charges in HRP Pursuit
- No Charges in Halifax Police Pursuit
- No Charges in King’s County RCMP Pursuit
- No Charges in Lingan Road Accident
- No Charges in Possible Breach of Court Order
- No Charges in River John Death
- No Charges in Sexual Assault Allegation
- No Charges to be Laid in Assault Allegation Involving Cape Breton Police Officer.
- No Evidence for Charges Against CRBPS Officers
- No Evidence to Suggest Wrongdoing by Members of Cape Breton Regional Police
- No Evidence to Suggest Wrongdoing by Members of Cape Breton Regional Police
- No Evidence to Support Charges Against RCMP Officer.
- No Evidence to Support Complaint of Perjury against CBRP Officer
- No Evidence to Support Domestic Assault Allegation
- No Fault Found in Actions of Halifax Regional Police Officers Foot Chase of Suspect
- No Further Investigation Needed in Miller Case
- No Wrongdoing by HRP Officers in Arrest of Woman in March
- No Wrongdoing in Death in HRP Cells
- No charges Against HRP Officer in Sexual Assault Complaint
- No charges justified in injury to male by RCMP officer
- No evidence to suggest illegal sales of contraband tobacco by member of Cape Breton Regional Police
- No fault found in RCMP Digby Traffic Stop
- November Arrest of Male in Westville Lawful and Appropriate
- Officer Acted Appropriately in July Motorcycle Crash
- Officers Cleared in Struggle with Man
- Ontario SIU to Review Onslow Fire Hall Incident
- Overpass Death Ruled a Suicide
- Police Acted Appropriately in New Glasgow Arrest
- Police Acted Professionally in Case Where Man Jumped from Apartment
- RCMP Collision with All Terrain Vehicle Leads to Investigation
- RCMP Member Charged with Assault
- RCMP Member Charged with Assault and Choking
- RCMP Member Charged with Obstruction
- RCMP Member Charged with Sexual Assault
- RCMP Member Investigated for Assault and Sexual Assault Allegations
- RCMP Member Under Investigation for Alleged Sexual Assault
- RCMP Officer Charged with Uttering Threats
- RCMP Officer Charged with Uttering Threats
- RCMP Officer Cleared in Incident Involving Arrest of Female
- RCMP Officer Cleared in North Kentville Crash
- RCMP Officer Cleared in Sexual Assault Allegation
- RCMP Officer Cleared in Sexual Assault Allegation
- RCMP Officer Cleared in Shooting
- RCMP Officer Not Responsible for Antigonish Fatality
- RCMP Officer Not Responsible for Yarmouth Crash
- RCMP Officer Will Not Face Sexual Assault Charges
- RCMP Officer Will Not Face Sexual Assault Charges
- RCMP Referral After Crash Turns Out to Not Require Investigation
- RCMP Shooting Leads to Investigation
- RCMP cleared following Investigation into fractured ankle of woman after arrest
- RCMP collision with civilian vehicle in Cole Harbour leads to investigation
- RCMP collision with civilian vehicle in Enfield leads to investigation
- RCMP member investigated for sexual assault allegations
- Recent Publications
- Report Finalized in RCMP Domestic Violence Allegation
- Report Released Outlining Charge Against HRP Officer
- Report Released Re: Charge Against RCMP Officer
- Report Released Regarding Charges Against Off Duty HRP Officer
- Report Released Regarding Charges Against RCMP Officer
- Report Released in Amherst Police Post Custody Death
- Report Released in Annapolis Royal Police Pursuit - Crash
- Report Released in Cape Breton Regional Police Custody Death
- Report Released in Chester RCMP Matter
- Report Released in Domestic Violence Case
- Report Released in Fatal Crash
- Report Released in HRP Arrest of Woman
- Report Released in HRP Foot Chase
- Report Released in HRP Shooting of Male
- Report Released in Injury at HRP Prisoner Care Facility
- Report Released in RCMP Cole Harbour Pursuit Crash
- Report Released in RCMP Guysborough Arrest of Man
- Report Released in RCMP – Liverpool Pursuit Crash
- Report Released re Charge Against HRP Officer
- Report completed regarding death of woman on Tower Road
- Report released in fatal car crash
- Report released outlining charges against HRP officer
- Report released regarding Colchester County Accident
- Report released regarding death of 15-year-old male in Sydney Mines
- Report released regarding domestic violence charges against RCMP officer
- Report released regarding man struck and killed by CBRPS vehicle
- Reports Released in Two Cases Where Charges Previously Laid
- Reports released in Two Sexual Assault Allegation Cases involving HRP Officers
- Reports released regarding domestic violence charges against HRP officers
- Retired HRP Officer Faces Two Charges of Assault
- SIRT Concludes Investigation into Death in HRP Cells
- SIRT Concludes Investigation into Police Shooting
- SIRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SIRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injuries in New Brunswick
- SIRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injury Sustained During Arrest
- SIRT Investigates Incident During Arrest
- SIRT Investigates Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SIRT Investigating Injuries Sustained in RCMP Vehicle
- SIRT Terminates Investigation
- SIRT Terminates Investigation into Injuries Sustained in RCMP Vehicle
- SIRT –Reports Released in Three Cases Where Charges Laid
- Serious Incident Repose Team Investigating Death in Nova Scotia
- Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) Investigating Distribution of Intimate Images
- Serious Incident Response Team Investigating Death
- Serious Incident Response Team Investigating Death in Nova Scotia
- Serious Incident Response Team Oversees RCMP Investigation into firearms and impaired driving offences
- Sexual Assault Allegation Made Against RCMP Member – Pictou District
- Sexual Assault Charges Laid Against HRP Member
- Sexual Assault Investigation Announced
- SiRT - The First Year in Review
- SiRT Begins Investigation into Arrest of Youth by Halifax Regional Police
- SiRT Begins Investigation into Incident Involving HRP Officers
- SiRT Begins Investigation into Sexual Assault Allegation
- SiRT Charges HRP Officer with Harassment
- SiRT Charges Halifax Regional Police Officer with Assault
- SiRT Charges Halifax Regional Police Officer with Assault
- SiRT Charges New Brunswick Officer with Voyeurism
- SiRT Charges New Brunswick RCMP Officer with Distribution of Intimate Images Without Consent
- SiRT Charges New Brunswick RCMP Officer with Sexual Assault
- SiRT Clears RCMP in Indecent Act and Sexual Assault Allegations
- SiRT Concludes Investigation Into Death
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Alleged Uttering Threats
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Collision Involving Saint John Police Force
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Collision Resulting in Serious Injuries
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Collision Resulting in Serious Injuries
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Death Following Arrest
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Death in Saint John Police Force Cells
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Fatal Crash
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into House Fire
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Injuries
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Injuries
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Man Fatally Shot by HRP Officers in Dartmouth
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Officer Involved Shooting
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Police Shooting
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Police Shooting
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Police Use of Force
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Police Use of Force
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injury
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injury During Bridgewater Police Service Arrest
- SiRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injury Sustained During an Arrest
- SiRT Concludes New Brunswick Investigation into Collison with RCMP Vehicle
- SiRT Concludes New Brunswick Investigation into Excessive Force During an Arrest
- SiRT Concludes New Brunswick Investigation into Injury Sustained During an Arrest
- SiRT Concludes Nove Scotia Investigation into Serious Injury Sustained During an Arrest
- SiRT Confirms Investigation into Arrest of Male in Chester
- SiRT Confirms Investigation into Arrest of Woman in Hammonds Plains
- SiRT Determines No Charges to be Laid in Allegation of Sexual Assault Against RCMP Member
- SiRT Exploring Options for Historical Investigation of Police
- SiRT Investigates Allegations of Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SiRT Investigates Arrest by Musquodoboit Harbour RCMP
- SiRT Investigates Death of Male in Police Custody
- SiRT Investigates Death of Male in RCMP Custody
- SiRT Investigates Domestic Violence Allegation against RCMP officer
- SiRT Investigates Domestic Violence allegation against HRP officer
- SiRT Investigates Motorcycle
- SiRT Investigates Officer for Possession of Child Pornography
- SiRT Investigates Possible Assault
- SiRT Investigating Broken Nose After Encounter with HRP Officers
- SiRT Investigating Circumstances Surrounding Injuries
- SiRT Investigating Collision Involving RCMP Officer
- SiRT Investigating Collision Involving Saint John Police Force
- SiRT Investigating Collision Resulting in Serious Injuries
- SiRT Investigating Death
- SiRT Investigating Death Following Arrest
- SiRT Investigating Fatal Crash
- SiRT Investigating Incident Involving RCMP Officers
- SiRT Investigating Incident Involving RCMP Officers
- SiRT Investigating Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SiRT Investigating Injuries Sustained During Halifax Regional Police Arrest
- SiRT Investigating Matter Relating to Self-harm in HRP Cells
- SiRT Investigating Police Shooting in Elsipogtog First Nation
- SiRT Investigating Police Shooting in Pictou Landing
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injuries
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injuries
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injuries After Encounter with Amherst Police
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injuries Sustained During Arrest
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury
- SiRT Investigating Serious Injury and Seeks Dash Cam Footage from the Public
- SiRT Investigation Clears RCMP in Death of New Brunswick Man
- SiRT Investigation Results in Charges Against HRP Officer
- SiRT Investigation Results in Charges Against Truro Police Officer
- SiRT Lays New Charges Against Halifax Regional Police Officer
- SiRT Responds to Death of Man on Tiger Maple Avenue
- SiRT Responds to Death of Woman on Tower Road
- SiRT Seeking Witnesses to March 23 HRP Arrest in Downtown Halifax
- SiRT Will Investigate Discharge of Firearm by Halifax Regional Police Officer
- SiRT accuse un agent de la GRC du Nouveau-Brunswick d'agression sexuelle
- SiRT charges Nova Scotia RCMP officer with breaking and entering and mischief
- SiRT commences investigation of sexual assault allegation against Halifax police officer
- SiRT concludes investigation into sexual assault – no charges laid
- SiRT to Investigate Allegation of Sexual Assault Against RCMP Member
- SiRT to Investigate Arrest of B and E Suspect
- SiRT to Investigate Discharge of Firearm by Halifax Regional Police Officer
- SiRT to Investigate Discharge of Firearm by RCMP Officers
- SiRT – Broken Collarbone leads to Investigation
- SiRT – Enfield RCMP Members Justified in Arrest of Male in May
- SiRT – Kentville Officers cleared in struggle with man
- SiRT – RCMP Officer Will Not Face Sexual Assault Charges
- SiRT--Report Released in investigation of Stellarton Police Officer
- SiRT: Investigation Underway into Information Relating to Clayton Miller Matter
- SiRT— Ingonish RCMP Arrest of Woman Investigated
- SiRT— Woman suffers broken arm during arrest by HRP
- Supplemental Report Released Regarding New Glasgow Police Officer
- Supplemental Report filed in HRP Theft of Exhibit Case
- Supplemental Reports Released
- The Province’s Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) has Released Reports in Two Recently Concluded Investigations.
- The SiRT Charges RCMP Officer with Aggravated Assault
- The SiRT Charges RCMP Officer with Assault
- The SiRT Charges RCMP Officer with Sexual Assault and Other Related Offences
- The SiRT Charges RCMP Officer with Theft and Breach of Trust by Public Officer
- The SiRT Concludes Investigation into Serious Injury Sustained During Arrest
- Theft and Trafficking Charges Laid Against RCMP Officer
- Third Investigation Within 24 Hours - Man Suffers Fracture in Leg During Struggle With Kentville Police
- Three charges laid against HRP officer
- Two Investigations Commenced: Broken Arm in Arrest in Enfield and Dunbrack Street Car Accident
- Une enquête de la SiRT exonère la GRC concernant le décès d’un homme du Nouveau‑Brunswick
- Update on Investigation Into HRP Cell Matter
- Use of CEW in Pleasantville Arrest Justified
- Woman Alleged to Make False Complaint against Cape Breton Officer
- Woman Suffers Broken Arm During Arrest by HRP