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No Charges Against RCMP Officers in Arrest of Lower Sackville Youth

On May 5, 2018, the RCMP Lower Sackville detachment received two calls for assistance from the same address. As members were attending the first call, they were advised their services were no longer required. Approximately one hour later two officers attended the complainant’s address as the result of a call for assistance related to a disturbance.
During the second call, the youth who had overdosed on an unknown drug, had become violent was cursing, yelling, kicking and hitting things. As the officers attempted to gain control over the Affected Party (AP), she kicked at the officers and flailed about. A Conducted Energy Weapon (CEW) was deployed, but she was able to remove one of the prongs which eliminated the effect of the CEW.
The AP continued to kick, grab and punch at the officers. It took both officers to gain control of the AP. Once the AP’s hands were in restraints, they were able to place restraints on her ankles. Despite having both ankles in restraints she continued kicking and was able to move the officers body despite his weight on her legs. The officers’ combined weight of 400 pounds was barely enough to gain control of the AP.
The allegations that the officers unjustifiably and unnecessarily beat the AP by repeatedly kicking and kneeing her in the head and using a CEW multiple times are unsubstantiated. The investigation found that these allegations are not supported by the medical records, the CEW records, the evidence of the paramedics or the officers involved.
Therefore, there are no grounds for the laying of a criminal charge against either officer.
The full report is available at
SiRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. Investigations are under the direction and control of the independent civilian director Felix Cacchione.
Media Contact:
Felix Cacchione