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Investigation Process

  • Once an incident is reported to the SiRT, the Director will review and determine if it meets the mandate to be investigated by the SiRT. An investigator may be assigned to gather initial information and you may be contacted to provide more details. Matters may meet the mandate even though there is no allegation of wrongdoing on behalf of the police.
  • If the matter does not fit the SiRT’s mandate, no investigation is conducted. The police service and member of the public who made the referral, if relevant, are notified.
  • If a matter meets the mandate, the SiRT will conduct a thorough investigation, which may include interviews, gathering evidence, reviewing medical reports, liaising with other agencies, and appointing a community liaison where appropriate.
  • Throughout the process, you may wish access to support services, including counseling, legal advice, and emergency response if necessary. This information can be found on the SiRT homepage.
  • After the SiRT becomes involved, police may need to continue their criminal investigation into the initial incident. For example, police may have been responding to a robbery when they became involved in the serious incident. 
  • Once the investigation is complete, the SiRT investigator provides a report to the Director. The Director reviews the report and makes an independent determination whether any charges should be laid. The Director issues a public report, and the investigator communicates the findings to the Affected Party and Subject Officer(s).
  • If a charge is laid, the SiRT turns the case over to the Public Prosecution Service.