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No Charges Against Officer Involved in Collision

The province’s independent Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) released its report today regarding the investigation into the June 6, 2020 collision between an RCMP vehicle and an UTV (Utility Terrain Vehicle).
During the early morning hours of June 6, RCMP received information about several sightings of an escapee, the Affected Party (AP), from the Northeast Nova Correctional Facility. They were told the AP was driving a UTV at a high rate of speed and in a dangerous manner on Highway 7. Several officers from two separate districts responded to the Sheet Harbour area with their emergency equipment activated.
While driving to the area, one officer encountered the AP driving towards them. The officer avoided a head-on collision with the AP, turned their vehicle in the same direction the AP was travelling and began to pursue the AP. The AP continued down Highway 7 before turning off to an unpaved road to evade a two-vehicle roadblock. A second officer continued the pursuit down the unpaved road which looped back to connect with Highway 7 where a second roadblock was set up. The AP did not slow down as they approached this roadblock. It was at this point the front bumper of the pursuing officer’s vehicle collided with the rear of the UTV causing it to veer into the ditch and roll over. The AP’s wrist was fractured when it was pinned under the rollbar.
In this case the action taken by the officer to stop the AP was reasonable and necessary to bring the incident under control. The AP’s actions were dangerous and posed a threat to public safety, therefore, the officer was justified in using force to arrest the AP.
In these circumstances, there are no grounds to consider any charges against the police officer.
A complete copy of the report is available at
SIRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. Investigations are under the direction and control of independent civilian director Felix Cacchione, who is solely responsible for decisions respecting the laying of any charge.
Media Contact:
Felix Cacchione
The Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner oversees and monitors complaints and investigations involving the alleged non-criminal misconduct of municipal police officers in Nova Scotia. The Nova Scotia Police Review Board conducts hearings of complaints when the complainant has appealed the decision made by the police agency. More information is available at