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Crash of ATV and Motorbike in West Pubnico leads to Investigation

At approximately 1:30 a.m., Sunday, June 11, two members of the RCMP-Yarmouth were patrolling in West Pubnico in a marked police vehicle. They observed an ATV and motorbike on the side of Highway 335. The police turned their vehicle and activated their emergency equipment to investigate the legality of the operation of the ATV and motorbike. However, those vehicles began to drive away and then crashed into one another.
Because of the crash, EHS attended the scene. At the time, the injuries of the parties were unknown. The following day, the RCMP received information that one of the drivers was still in hospital. As a result, the RCMP contacted SiRT to report the incident as it may have involved serious injuries. SiRT has now confirmed that one driver appears to have suffered internal bleeding and was transferred to hospital in Halifax. The other driver suffered skull fractures and remains in hospital in Yarmouth. Because of these serious injuries, SiRT assumed responsibility for the investigation of the crash on June 13, 2017.
The Serious Incident Response Team is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia, whether or not there is an allegation of wrongdoing. Investigations are under the direction and control of independent civilian director Ron MacDonald.
The team can independently begin an investigation after a referral from a chief of police, the head of the RCMP in Nova Scotia or the Minister of Justice. It can also investigate after a complaint from the public.
The Police Act requires the director to file a public report summarizing the result of the investigation within three months after it is finished.
Media Contact:
Ron MacDonald, QC