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No Charges Against RCMP Officer Involved in Domestic Dispute

The province’s Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) released its report today regarding an allegation of domestic assault committed by a member of the RCMP.
On October 10, 2020 Halifax District RCMP contacted SiRT about an allegation of domestic violence committed by a member of the RCMP. The Affected Party (AP) alleged they had been assaulted in the early morning hours at the member’s home.
On the evening of October 9, 2020, the AP and the member attended a friend’s home where food and alcohol were consumed by all. A short time later, the member returned to their home, while the AP remained at the friends. Sometime after midnight, the friend drove the intoxicated AP back to the members home where an argument ensued. The member repeatedly told the AP to leave the residence, but they refused. The member pushed the AP once to get them out of the house. The friend was called back to the home to assist in getting the AP to leave.
The AP called 911 to say the member had pushed them to the ground where they struck their head and lost consciousness. While waiting for the police to arrive, the friend returned to the home and attempted to get the AP to leave. When the AP refused, the two became involved in a physical altercation.
The investigation showed that although the member did push the AP in an attempt to get them to leave the home, the injuries suffered were not consistent with what the AP reported. The AP did suffer minor injuries to their face, but that was from the altercation with the friend and not the member. Therefore, there are no grounds to consider any charge against the member.
The full report is available at
SIRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. The team can independently begin an investigation after a referral from a chief of police, the head of the RCMP in Nova Scotia or the Minister of Justice. It can also investigate a complaint received from the public.
Media Contact:
Felix Cacchione
The Office of the Police Complaints Commissioner oversees and monitors complaints and investigations involving the alleged non-criminal misconduct of municipal police officers in Nova Scotia. The Nova Scotia Police Review Board conducts hearings of complaints when the complainant has appealed the decision made by the police agency. More information is available at