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Domestic Assault Allegation Made Against RCMP Member – Southwest Nova District

The province's independent Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) has commenced an investigation into an allegation of domestic assault against a member of the RCMP Southwest Nova District.
On July 31st, a call was received by the Liverpool detachment of the RCMP from the spouse of the member regarding an allegation of assault. In accordance with the Police Act, RCMP referred the incident to the Serious Incident Response Team, which assumed responsibility for the investigation. As a result, the member was arrested.
No charges have been laid at this point. The member has been released on conditions by the SIRT to attend provincial court in Bridgewater on Wednesday, September 18, 2019. The investigation is ongoing.
SIRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia. Investigations are under the direction and control of independent civilian director Felix Cacchione.
The team can independently launch an investigation or begin one after a referral from a chief of police, the head of the RCMP in Nova Scotia or the Minister of Justice. It can also investigate after a complaint from the public.
The Police Act requires the director to file a public report summarizing the results of the investigation within three months after it is finished.
SiRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia which may result in the laying of a criminal charge.
Media Contact:
Felix Cacchione