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Reports released in Two Sexual Assault Allegation Cases involving HRP Officers

The province’s Serious Incident Response Team (SiRT) has released reports in two recently concluded investigations.
The first relates to a female who alleged she was sexually assaulted by the male officer who had arrested her earlier that evening. It is alleged the assault took place in the vehicle while being transported to HRP cells.
During the course of the investigation interviews were conducted with the subject officer, the affected party, witness officers and civilian witnesses. Based on the information gathered, it was determined there were no reasonable or probable grounds to believe that the officer assaulted the female, sexually or otherwise. Accordingly, there was no basis for a criminal charge against the officer.
The second report relates to a sexual assault charge against D/Cst. Joseph Farrow, laid on September 19, 2019. SiRT previously issued a media release respecting that case at the time charges were laid.
The full reports are available at
SIRT is responsible for investigating all serious incidents involving police in Nova Scotia.
Media Contact:
Pat Curran
Interim Director
Office: 902-424-8400
Cell: 902-718-9707